piątek, 24 maja 2013

Cheers to All Mums

Tomorrow is Mother’s Day in Poland and for the past few days I’ve been thinking about the right present. What would she really want? She’d probably be the happiest if I settled down, got married and had kids, but since that’s not going to happen anytime soon, I need to think of an alternative gift.
But Mother’s Day is not only about presents and flowers. It’s also about recognising and appreciating what they’ve given us. Who they are. It’s about being grateful for their unconditional, selfless love.
We’ve been through a lot. And although I’m not a massive fan of telling  tearful stories of how tough my life has been (because it hasn’t, really, and each harsh moment has probably taught me more than all the good ones combined), her illness five years back was possibly the biggest challenge we had to face. She got admitted to hospital with what looked like a flu and turned out to be a bad case of meningitis. Three weeks of waiting for her to regain consciousness, with the doctors telling us to prepare for the worst, seemed like eternity. And then six months of watching her learn to move her legs, sit, and eventually walk again, appeared even longer. I am sure I was more excited, happy and proud when she took her first step than she was when I took mine!
Her illness was a wake-up call. It made me wonder whether I really appreciated what I had. Made me stop wasting my time getting engaged in petty arguments and getting frustrated about little things. I promised myself to take her on a trip if she got through it (she’d never flown before and only been abroad a few times). And I promised myself to try to be a better daughter.
But, let’s face it, I’m not an “easy” daughter to have and I’m aware of that. I’m not around much these days. I listen to her opinions and value them, but I always do my own thing anyway. I struggled for years to make her realise and accept the fact that I will not live my life the way it is expected of me. I explained time after time that she needs to lose her expectations and let me find and follow my own path.
I remember the first time I told her I wanted to go to India. Alone. She went hysterical, coming up with all sorts of excuses and eventually begging me not to go, at least not on my own. When a friend of mine decided to join me, she calmed down a bit. The second time was much easier. Third time she didn’t say anything. Now she doesn’t really ask “if” I’m going back. She asks “when”.
I hope I kept my promise and I am a better daughter (I did keep the one about taking her for a trip), because she has definitely learnt to be a better mum. At some point, she let go of her expectations and understood that my life is about my happiness, and that this happiness is more important than her need to have me close by.
Thanks for always being there for me. Right, time for a drink, I’m getting too bloody emotional! Cheers to all mums!

piątek, 19 kwietnia 2013

Why I do yoga

Many people have asked me why I do yoga and how it has influenced my life. And I always struggle to find the right words to explain it. Nothing I ever say seems to convey the full message. But I’ve recently started thinking, if I was to point out one main thing that yoga gave me, what would it be? Physical strength? Mental stability? Patience? OK, I give up, I don’t think choosing one is possible. I’ll try with three. Here they are:

1) It makes me believe that the word ‘impossible’ is a state of mind. An opinion. It’s fear and worry. And, most importantly, impossible is a challenge.

It is pretty common for yoga students to make excuses and claim that they can’t do certain asanas, because their bodies are just “not built that way”. Their hands are too short for jump-backs and jump-throughs and hips will just never open up. But then, completely unexpectedly, they manage to do an asana they never thought they’d be able to do. And all of a sudden everything seems to be “milega”.

As Confucius said, “When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.”

2) It makes me fearless. Well, let’s say I’m still working on that, still have moments where my mind creates worries about the future and when I struggle to stay in the present (particularly now, after coming back to Europe and facing change of environment, friends, routine and all that), but most times I know how to deal with it. Worrying does not solve the problems of tomorrow, it only removes the joy of today. And most of these “problems”, when you look at them carefully, are not problems at all.

“How do you do this?” a friend of mine has asked me recently. “I take risks. I don’t want to waste my life thinking I could have done something, but I let my fear stop me,” I replied. There are no wrong decisions and even if they look bad at a certain moment in time, they will always be good in the long run. They make us who we are and bring us where we’re supposed to be.

3) It helps me be myself. Sounds easy? It’s not. In the world where the society expects you to follow a certain life scenario, many people end up trying to fit in, doing things they think they should do, rather than the ones they want to do. Spending 8 hours per day doing work they hate and being in relationships just because they are scared of being alone. Yoga helps me unclutter my mind and see things objectively. It gives me confidence to trust my choices and decisions. And it helps me look at myself with my own eyes, not with the eyes of others.

Yoga is the most beautiful gift I have ever given to myself. And that’s why I want to give it to other people. It takes time. Lots of time. You don’t need to be physically fit. You don’t need to be flexible. But you need an open mind. You need to be ready to change something. Ready to try things. And if you let it, it will change your life.

środa, 6 marca 2013

Cheers to India, Yoga and the Power of Now

This post is going to be a bit more personal, so if you’re interested in what’s going on in my life at the moment, keep on reading. If not, stop now before it gets too late!

So, I’ve been in India for almost five months now. Five months! How did that happen? It seems like the right time to give you a little overview of my time here. What has changed? And what has remained the same? What did I learn? What was the greatest challenge and how do I feel about coming back to Europe?

I remember when I got here in October. A bit overwhelmed, but excited about what life had planned for me. I had to get used to things again – surviving on the cow-filled roads, the heat, massive cockroaches and other insects, living in a small town where everybody knows everything…

I remember driving around on my moped, looking at the lush green palm trees and watching the sunset in a quiet, secluded spot atop a hill and thinking how lucky I was to be here. Escaping the winter freeze and spending six months on the sunny beaches of Goa doing what I’d loved and wanted to do for a long time. Could life really get any better? Well, it could. And it did!

I had no expectations of what my time here should be like. I just wanted to enjoy every minute of it, get my life back on track, regain balance and stability after a sharp curve my life has taken. Leave the past behind, stop worrying about the future and just allow myself to be in the present. And this was probably the greatest challenge. I’ve known the theory for a long time. All that truly matters is here and now. You’re not your body, you’re not your mind. All negative emotions are just reflections of your thoughts, they all come from the worries, insecurities and fear your mind has created. But knowing it and being able to utilize this knowledge in real-life situations are two completely different things. My biggest achievement over the past months is not all the arm balances I’ve managed to do (although, I must admit, I’m pretty proud of those!), but the awareness I developed through daily asana, pranayama and meditation practice. Whenever I start feeling down, anxious or scared, I straight away think: “Right, where did this come from, what was I thinking?”, then look back on my thoughts and find out which ones have brought the emotions. Sometimes the realisation is enough to stop the feeling completely, other times it takes a bit longer, but in general it is the most powerful tool I’ve ever discovered. Being able to look inside and notice what is going on and why. It allows me to see things clearly and recognise what I am looking for in life, work, relationships. And helps me to remain patient and calm while waiting for it all to happen.

"Wow, you HAVE changed”, said one of my friends a few weeks ago when we were watching the sunset, drinking wine and having one of those “meaningful conversations”. Yes, I have. My mum has told me that as well when we spoke on Skype a while ago. She said she couldn’t take her eyes off me because I looked so healthy, glowing and happy. And that’s the best thing that can happen to a mum, especially when her child has been so far away for so long.

But at the same time, I’m still the same. I still love a good party, a drink and dancing till dawn. I have an occasional cigarette when I feel like it. I didn’t go all vegan or raw and although I try to eat healthy food, I would indulge myself with a pizza, ice cream or a chocolate fondant if that’s what my body is craving. I don’t talk about opening my chakras and connecting with my inner-self all the time and I often enjoy the company of people who have nothing to do with yoga much more than those who can’t really talk about anything else. I just live my life the way I want, not caring what other people think, following my dreams and passions and sharing them with others. Because all the barriers are always in our minds and if we really want something, we’ll find a way to make it happen.

And how do I feel about coming back to Europe? I’m pretty excited, I must admit! The thought of seeing my family and friends puts a big grin on my face! I’ve managed to stay in touch with people I really care for through skype, facebook and e-mails and I can’t wait to see them! Some of my friends have had babies who I’ve seen on Skype and/or on photographs and would love to see in real life. I know it won’t be easy to get used to life in Europe again. It will probably shake my world and balance a little. But I know how to deal with it and I am open to whatever future brings. I’m ready to take risks and listen to myself. Because it’s true that once you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. So, cheers to India, yoga and the power of now!




poniedziałek, 4 marca 2013

How to Avoid Getting Frustrated on and off the Mat

How to Avoid Getting Frustrated on and off the Mat

I have recently seen many students getting frustrated because they can’t get into a pose, especially in Ashtanga self-practice classes. Why is it not happening? I’ve been working on it so hard for so long! It’s easy to fall into this trap. After all, we’re all achievers. We’ve been taught that it’s the results that matter. And we bring our expectations and desires to the mat. “By the end of the month I want to be able to bind in Marichyasana D”. “Tomorrow I’ll do a headstand for 20 minutes”.

What we tend to forget is that we don't use our body to get into a pose. We use a pose to get into the body. Yoga is a journey. And being able to do a pose is not a destination. Nor is inability to do it a stopover. Go through your journey with maximum awareness. Slowly. Carefully. Look through the window and admire the landscape, rather than pass absentmindedly, waiting for the train to stop. Accept everything that happens during your practice with humbleness and patience. Yoga chitta vritti nirodha. Yoga is the end of the mind.

It’s only when you free yourself from your desires and expectations, when you leave your ego behind and become an impartial observer, that yoga begins.

You’re probably thinking: so what, I should not want to improve? I should not challenge myself? Of course you should. Getting better will build your focus, give you confidence, bring awareness. But it’s all about HOW you try to improve. How you let your mind and ego take control and get attached to the desire to progress.

But how do we avoid this trap? What can we do to steer clear of the feeling of resentment and irritation?

Whenever you come onto the mat, ask yourself why you’re there. Maybe you’ve never asked yourself that question  before, yet you roll your mat out every day and put your toes together in samasthiti. You go through all the movements. What is it that you’re looking for? Being able to do a headstand? Or is it much more than that? Perhaps health? Stillness? Balance? Clarity of mind? Strength?  Whatever the reason, once you remember it while you’re trying to do the pose that just isn’t happening, you will not get frustrated. You’ll know how insignificant it is. You’ll learn to respect your body and treat it as a tool to achieve stability rather than let it be the source of disappointment.

This also applies in everyday life. Observe your thoughts and don’t let them take control. It’s you who’s in charge and you can steer them in any direction you want.

So, just drop your expectations and enjoy the ride. Every minute of it. And things will happen at their own pace, just when they are meant to happen. Now that’s a promise.